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Pack Health Helps Cancer Patients Living with

Pain and Fatigue


Dealing with cancer treatment is tough enough. Having to manage pain and fatigue during treatment as well as in survivorship can be even more challenging.

Pack Health is an independent, patient engagement company that was formed with the goal of helping clinicians and patients better manage the patient’s health outside of the clinic.  Pack Health provides pain and fatigue management and counseling for cancer patients at no cost. 

Over 12 weeks, Pack Health will help patients and survivors discover the best ways to manage pain and fatigue. A non-clinical health advisor will help encourage and motivate enrollees when facing challenging symptoms.  Additionally a Pack will be sent in the mail with tools and strategies that are specific to cancer patients that have been proven effective to help with pain and fatigue.  The tools in the Pack, like a daily symptom tracker, will help assess pain and fatigue levels, quality of sleep, and medication. The personal health advisor will encourage patients through text message reminders, mailers, or check-in phone calls each day that will encourage small lifestyle changes that over time, will help reduce overall pain and fatigue.  These changes are made at a realistic pace for the individual patient involved. The Pack Health advisor is available to answer non-clinical questions and to help connect with the patient’s primary health care team at the right time.

Following the initial program patients will continue to connect with their health advisor over the next 9 months.  This provides the help needed to maintain the changes that have taken place and create accountability. 

Pack Health was started by Will Wright and Mazi Rasulnia.  Both Will and Mazi have a strong belief that patients should have affordable accessible healthcare.  Additionally, they are passionate about how to help change behaviors and create innovative products designed for patients.

To learn more about Pack Health and to enroll in Pack Health (at no cost to you thanks to grants Pack Health has received):

2. Click "Enroll with a code" 
3. Fill out the form and use the code "03308
4. Submit and get started with Pack Health! 
Pack Health Co-Founder & CEO
Will Wright
Pack Health Co-Founder & President
Mazi Rusalnia

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